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Laboratory Testing Service

At PDCE, Our laboratory testing services cover a wide range of civil & Construction materials, including.
Soil Test
Compressive Strength, Water Absorption, Density, Water Content, Hardness of Rock, Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s ratio, Point load test, Bulk density (in-place), Maximum Dry Density (Light Compaction), Optimum Moisture Content (Heavy Compaction), Optimum Moisture Content (Light Compaction), Maximum Dry Density (Heavy Compaction), Thermal conductivity and Thermal resistivity, Field Dry Density by Sand Replacement Method, CBR Field, Direct Shear Test, Hydrometer Test, Free Swell Index, Plastic Limit, Cohesion Intercept (C Value), Field Dry Density by Core Cutter Method, Liquid Limit, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test – Lab, Direct Shear Test (Angle of Internal Friction), Consolidation Test, Grain size analysis, Shrinkage Limit, Atterberg limits, Permeability tests, and Triaxial test), rock (point load index, Brazilian test, Specific Gravity, direct shear, abrasion test).

Cement Test
Fineness by dry sieving, Fineness by Blaine air permeability method, Soundness, Consistency of standard cement paste, Initial and final setting times, compressive strength of masonry cement, heat of hydration, heat of hydration, drying shrinkage, fineness by wet sieving etc.

Aggregates Test:
Sieve analysis of coarse and fine aggregates, Specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregates, Specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregates, Bulking of sand etc.

Concrete Test:
Slump cone test, compaction factor test, compressive strength of concrete, f flexural strength of concrete, splitting tensile strength of concrete and mix design evaluations etc.

Reinforcement / Rebar Test:
Tensile strength tests, bend and re-bend tests, and other mechanical properties assessments etc.

Water Test:
pH testing, turbidity tests, mineral test, chemical content analysis), and chemical testing (chloride, sulfate, and other potentially harmful substances). We use state-of-the-art equipment to provide.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT):
Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Rebar Scanning, Core Cutting, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UFD),Crack Mapping, Thermography, Carbonation Test, Concrete Resistivity, Cut & Pull Out ( CAPO) Test, Floor stability test, Vibration Analysis, Half Cell Potential Test, Pile Integrity Test, Pile Load Test, Slab Load Test, Mortar Ratio Test, Reinforcement Scanning, Cover Depth Checking, Bar Spacings, Earth Resistivity Tomography Test (ERT Test), Soil Resistivity Testing. Visual Testing (VT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiography Testing (RT), Eddy Current Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Acoustic Emission Testing ( AE), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Leak Testing (LT), Chemical analysis of chlorides, Sulphates, pH, alkali-silica etc.

Road Material Test:
Viscosity test, Compaction tests, Grain size analysis, Liquid limit and plastic limit tests, Natural moisture content, Specific gravity, Shrinkage limit, Free swell index test, Swelling pressure test etc.
Other tests for road materials include:
Standard penetration, Unconfined compression, CBR, Plate bearing test, Shear vane test, In-situ density test, Permeability test etc.

Others Test
Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) for structural strength of a road pavement,
Network Survey Vehicle for Road Condition.
Reflectometer for road markings and sign boards,
Road Safety Audit,

Our Company Reach Across India
PDCE Group operates across multiple regions in India, ensuring comprehensive and accessible engineering consulting and testing services wherever you are.
Our Offices:

  Delhi   Mumbai   Kolkata   Patna   Lucknow    Ghaziabad
   Jaipur    Surat   Guwahati    Bhubaneswar    Bengaluru    Hyderabad