At PDCE, We provide Structural Health Assessment ( SHA ), Non Destructive Testing ( NDT ), Construction Quality Assurance
( CQA ) and Building Inspection and Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting for all types of structure.
We Provide Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
PDCE Group provides Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Visual Testing (VT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiography Testing
(RT), Eddy Current Electromagnetic Testing (ET), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Acoustic Emission Testing ( AE), Liquid
Penetrant Testing (PT), Leak Testing (LT), Rebound Hammer Test, Ultra-Sonic Pulse velocity (UPV) test, Core Extraction
and Testing, Half Cell / Surface Potential Test, Ferro Scanning Test, Moisture Test, Chemical analysis of chlorides,
Sulphates, pH, alkali-silica etc.
We specialize in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services, offering comprehensive solutions for civil and mechanical
structures. Our NDT services include:
Rebound Hammer.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV).
Rebar Scanning.
Core Cutting.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UFD).
Crack Mapping.
Carbonation Test.
Concrete Resistivity.
Cut & Pull Out ( CAPO) Test.
Floor stability test.
Vibration Analysis.
Half Cell Potential Test.
Chemical Analysis test.
Penetration Resistance Test.
Carbonation & Chloride content Test.
Sulphates & PH Value Tests.
Dye Penetration Test ( DPT).
Magnetic Particle Test ( MPT).
Pile Integrity Test.
Pile Load Test.
Slab Load Test.
Mortar Ratio Test.
Reinforcement Scanning.
Cover Depth Checking.
Bar Spacings.
Earth Resistivity Tomography Test (ERT Test).
Soil Resistivity Testing, etc.
Our Company Reach Across India
PDCE Group operates across multiple regions in India, ensuring comprehensive and accessible engineering consulting and testing services wherever you are.
Our Offices: